Event Highlights
Event Highlights in every IGOF seminar includes
The Great Debate” is a program to unearth conflicting standpoints among experts for in-depth analysis of pros and cons of techniques used in complex cases.
This one of its kind event always receives a warm welcome from the attendees which shares personal experiences from some renowned experts in orthopaedics. Experts come forward to share their worst encounters and throw more light to justify their stand on the case. Criticalities, unexpected events and crisis management would be part of their discussion
IGOF organizes the Grand Orthopaedic Quiz to test the sharpest IQs from some of the finest minds in the healthcare fraternity. The platform welcomes those medical professionals who have a penchant for the intricacies in the field of orthopaedics. The event offers an opportunity to stamp a seal of authority in the country’s premier battle of the medical brains.
- Accolades
- Winning team shall be awarded cash prize of Rs. 9000
- First Runners up team shall be awarded cash prize of Rs. 3000
- Every participant shall claim their participation certificate
The prestigious âMOHANDAS – WELLER GOLD MEDAL AWARDâ is conferred to Young Orthopaedic Surgeon who can come up with innovative ideas or a distinguished presentation on a complex case. This award is an initiative to boost the budding talent to spread their lateral thinking across various interests in the field of orthopaedics and to attend complex scenarios with special interest, giving attention to details & to crack difficult problems.
- Accolades
- âMohandas â Wellerâ Gold Medal for Winner
- Cash prize of Rs. 20,000 for Winner and Rs. 5000 for Runner Up
- Certificate for Winner and Runner Up